
File/New/Project — Simple Developer Inner Loops with VS Code

Developer inner loops are critical. Getting them setup requires many steps. I take a few steps to make the simplest cases simple in Visual Studio Code and Panic Nova.
5th April 2022, 11 minutes to read

You have a programming idea. It’s not complicated, it’s not fancy, and doesn’t matter to anyone but you. You have limited time, and you just kinda wanna get on with it. You don’t want complexity, you’re not looking for “best practices”, and you’re not looking for the latest whizzbang thing. But you do want it to be easy.

I grew up on IDEs such as Visual Studio (Xcode, IntelliJ for non-Microsoft stacks), which enabled me to go File > New > Project..., and mash that keyboard till I’d scratched that itch. I got syntax checking, compilation, and debugging – it was just me & my ideas, supported by some great tooling.

For simple web pages – you know, just a little page that does something in the browser. Not a server, or API. A nice little web page. – it’s has never been quite as simple as File > New > Project... 1. I just want to write some code (editor), get told when I’m a dumbass (compilation), and help me fix it (debugging).

Recently, the lack of ‘code & go’ flows in simple projects got to me as I worked on my simple single page, single script site that I built with TypeScript. I’ve been executing npm run build by hand every time I make a change. I wanted to tidy up some loose ends in the site itself and was discouraged every time I thought about the process of making changes & validating them. So, I thought:

Why do I do this to myself…


For a simple HTML/CSS/TS page, we have a few moving pieces that require processing:

  1. The TypeScript compilation (e.g, processed by tsc)
  2. The Dependencies™ (.css,.html, a node_module)

All need to end up in output – the directory that gets deployed. tsc can be configured to do automatically (in my case, already is) via the outFile or if multiple files using outDir. The other steps are simple file copies (css, html), although in the future an equally simplistic build step would be desirable. This leads to two watches:

These watches can be configured as npm run-script (the scripts section of package.json). For tsc, this is trivial using the tsc --watch command. With help of npm-watch, we can do this for the other files.

This works fine for the integration in VS Code because you can configure multiple tasks that do their thing as part of VS Codes task handling. However, if you’re using other tooling – e.g., vim – then you’d need to run two commands. We could extend our use of npm-watch to handle this by running the appropriate tasks (e.g., compile) when any file changes. But you don’t want that to be present in VS Code since it muddies the waters. This leads to three commands to watch: watch-all, watch-compile, and watch-dependencies. There’s no context that the basic tooling (e.g., npm) can use to manage this more cleanly.

npm-watch when run without a parameter will watch for all the configured files for all scripts. This removes the need to handle running the tasks concurrently ourselves (e.g., something like concurrently). It does lead to a small amount of repetition, specifically the duplicated compile command that is build but without the automatic copying of dependencies via a post npm script.

Serving files & automatic browser refresh

browser-sync is a great package that makes it trivial to have your browser auto refresh on a change in the files that make up your site. It’s a simple configuration, and easily added to package.json. We used this command line:

browser-sync start --server output --watch --no-ui --listen localhost --no-online --no-open --reload-debounce 250


TypeScript compiler behaviour detour

Adding the dependency on browser-sync causes compile failures: setTimeout no longer returns number, but a NodeJS.Timeout type. Why is that – we didn’t change our API target!?

Turns out, browser-sync transitively includes a TypeScript types file (@types/node at the type of writing, via its engine.io dependency). By default, these files are automatically discovered by the TypeScript compiler. We don’t want that behaviour because of the implicit nature of it – you no longer know what types you’re using. This specific case it a classic example of that, as causes clashes with the browser API.

To fix this you can set compilerOptions.types in tsconfig.json to []. This will disable automatic ‘global’ type import from discovered TypeScript files. This does not prevent those types from being imported with an import statement!

Before you ask: No, having node_modules in the exclude path doesn’t prevent this – that just prevents in an excluded path from being included in compilation.

VS Code Integration

There are two parts to VS Code integration:

  1. Configure debugging
  2. Integrate the npm scripts we created

F5 Debugging

Note, this only works in Microsoft Edge & Google Chrome. Safari doesn’t support external debuggers.

Through the vscode-js-debug extension – which is built in! – we can get all the debugger goodness one could want: Breakpoints! F5 Launch! Tracepoints! It’s magic.

However, we need to do a little configuration in the .vscode/launch.json file. (For a deep dive, see the docs):

  1. Set the url to our browser-sync port / host. e.g., http://localhost:3000
  2. Set the cleanUp property to onlyTab
  3. Set webRoot to be our output folder (e.g., ${workspaceFolder}/output)

Why onlyTab? Without this, when you close the tab, the extension causes an unclean exit of the browser. At first this looks ok, until your next run, you see a prompt from your browser asking to restore tabs. Annoying. By setting onlyTab, this behaviour is mitigated, and the browser exits cleanly.

You need to do these for the browser you want to support, setting type for the specific browser you’re using (pwa-chrome for, uh, Google Chrome, pwa-edge for Microsoft Edge).

NPM Script Integration

We’ve made some useful for users of basic text editors, but one still must run them manually. Since some people — myself included — like full-featured IDEs, we can build upon that work to create an even tighter inner loop in VS Code.

Wrapping the tasks

See VS Code’s task documentation for the full details of running tasks in VS Code.

VS Code will automatically discover npm scripts in package.json and allow you to run them without any setup. But this doesn’t lead to a seamless experience – you’ve still got to run the commands manually (albeit with buttons now), and the various terminal windows can get confusing.

But if you wrap the scripts with specific configuration in tasks.json, you can customise that experience. We’re going to set some fields for each of the npm scripts (watch-compile, watch-dependencies, and serve-reload):

See the schema for full details

runOptions is key to making this work – by setting runOn to folderOpen we’re telling VS Code to start this task upon open. This kicks off watching & serving without us having to manually run any commands.

By default, VS Code prevents these scripts from starting for security reasons. You can enable them by using the command palette (⌘⇧P) to run the “Tasks: Manage Automatic Tasks In Folder” (workbench.action.tasks.manageAutomaticRunning) once you’ve opened the folder.

See here for a fully worked example

Supporting Windows

This worked great — on a mac. Windows doesn’t have cp, it has copy. Nor does it have rm -rf, it has rd /s. npm doesn’t support an abstraction natively to select platform-specific scripts, but there are a few paths one can try. The first run-os-scripts – maybe the most logical – lets you write platform specific scripts, and have it make the decision about which one gets run. Another alternative is to create your own node script (e.g., tools/copy-things.js) and call that. In my case I’m trying to be simple, I decided not to go down either of those paths. Instead, I looked for replacement for those two commands. I found copyfiles to replace cp, and rimraf to replace rm.

Substituting these in package.json was simple — rimraf being a simple replace, and copyfiles needing some extra parameters since it’s more of a tree-copy, than an individual file copy.

Now it works on windows and mac. Yay!

Template Repo

Overall, these steps are not complicated, and only need to happen once per project. But I’d rather not have to do it every time I want to start a simple – dumb – web page. I could have made some extensions for create-react-app or neutrino, but it felt like it was ‘baggage’ for my aspirations. So I made a template repo – these are repos that GitHub makes it easy to click-once to create a new independent repository that you can just start working in. It’s not connected to my repo, and lets you get going quickly & make whatever changes you wish. You can find the template at https://github.com/grork/innerloop-template – click “Use this template” if you want to use it.

  1. There are tools such as create-react-app or Neutrino (both templating tools), as well as kitchen-sink tools like Parcel that make parts easier. But they bring some foundational opinions (React requirement for create-react-app, general dependency growth with Neutrino), minimal progressive disclosure (Neutrino), or don’t solve sensible editor/IDE integration (all of them).

    This leads to the paradox that you’re either bringing baggage, or still left fumbling for what to do next. None of them make debugging simple people are likely to gravitate to console.log or spray & pray debugging.

    It’s certainly possible to create templates that would get you to the right place but they’re all “and” solutions on top of an already opt-in path (install extra tool, get extension to tool, then create project). It would be amazing if npm added something like .NET’s dotnet new template format. There’s a whole other rant in here, but that’s for another day.